Thursday 20 June 2013

Rowen Abigail Cheskin

My sister is busy having a baby right now.....literally right now. I am nervous and anxious and excited all at once for her. She is being induced 3/4 weeks early as the doctors are worried her baby hasn't grown for the last month and so there are lots of questions and a little worry intermixed with all the excitement of a new baby. I am checking my phone just about every two minutes for updates (like I wouldn't notice if got a text or a phone call....but just in case I missed it!!), could barely sleep last night and am having the worst "sympathy" period pains known to man...(well technically woman I suppose)....come on baby girl!!

So finally she arrived...2.02am (UK time!) on Weds 20th....with the time difference we actually found out on the evening of Tues 19th (which is a little weird!) Rowen Abigail...what an adorable little face:)

Anyway, all went well....gorgeous little girl weighing 5lbs9oz...I am just dying to go over and hold her! Why oh why is Scotland so far away and so expensive to visit???

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