Friday 20 November 2009

Christmas Cards

Been spending time (aka driving my husband crazy) on designing some Christmas/Holiday cards for a few families,.... including my own:) It's an interesting process - I love that I can pull together individual elements and ideas that I have seen and liked elsewhere and create a whole that I really love. It's not without frustrations - of course - (and not just Andrew's!), but the results are worth it!

Monday 16 November 2009

Thought for the day....

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear......" Not sure who to attribute this quote to but I found it very thought provoking - applies to lots of aspects of life....Sometimes we are fearful of trying something new as we don't want it to be a total disaster, but there are times that we can be courageous and throw caution to the wind and just give something a go, because we have found that something that is simply more important...interesting thoughts today!

Wednesday 11 November 2009


So this year, I succumbed to the pleadings of my fours children to get a dog - even my oldest son figured he needed one as he says he was the only kid at school who didn't have a pet (I'm sure he will be traumatized for the rest of his life over that!) - and now we have Lucy a cute little deer head chihuahua. She is almost 6 months old now and very much a part of the family as you'll see from many of the photos....

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Georgia in the Fall

I am from England, so when I say this, it really, really means something......this fall has been the most beautiful fall season I have ever experienced, more beautiful than any fall (or autumn as we call it back home) I've seen in England. The colors have somehow been especially rich and combined with beautiful clear blue skies and warm sunshine, it is just awe inspiring. It makes me happy every day the minute I wake up and look out the window or every time I walk outside. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Georgia in the fall!!