Thursday 11 April 2013


So my older sister got married on Saturday...

...but this was in England and no I didn't get to be there.... to be fair it all happened pretty quick and all around the same time as everything going on here for I guess it just wasn't meant to be....

But by all accounts he is a lovely fellow and I hope she is a very happy Mrs...

Tuesday 9 April 2013


One morning last week we drove down the street to the "roundabout" (although no one knows how to actually use it as a roundabout, so really it is just a grass circle that everyone ignores and drives around however they please....) and found the sign knocked over....
...and then found the school bus parked around the corner with kids spilling out of it....

Apparently, the school bus driver had clipped the sign as she drove around the roundabout (and yes I cringe to add that it was a woman driver as I know that certain people will make comments about women drivers...)

She had to sit and wait for something....we're not sure what...

And so the girls were very excited that we became the school bus that morning and took a pile of kids off to school.....makes for a very exciting Monday morning!!

Monday 8 April 2013

Birthday fun....

Happy Happy Birthday to my Jordan....

14 years and gorgeous, brown eyed, inquisitive and incredibly creative son....

Although he got some pretty cool new bindings for his snowboard a couple of weeks ago...he was still in need of a little money to replenish his dwindling supply.....he was happily obliged by various family members:)

And of course, he got to get out of school early to be treated to a "mom-date"/lunch......his pick of any place to eat.....and we ended up at Jersey Mikes....I guess my kids have very basic needs:)

We ended the day with the traditional ice cream cake....but branched out and tried the Strawberry cheesequake flavor from Dairy Queen - it's Jordan's favorite flavor ice cream there.....(sometimes change can be a good thing, but I don't think we'll try branching out next time, it wasn't a big hit with everyone else......evidenced by the fact that half of the cake still remains in the freezer a whole week later....)

Oh and he recently got his braces off....which I neglected to document so I'll throw those pics into his birthday post....

 As you can tell, he was mostly sad to have them off....:))

My kids keep growing up on me...what the heck is going on????

Love my Jordan xx