Monday 24 June 2013

Andrew's birthday...

I'm not sure that his birthday was everything he envisioned it should was kinda busy with lots of other things going on...but in between father's day last weekend (here) and his birthday this weekend...I hope that he got enough of a "we love you week" that he didn't mind too much.....

A little Father's Day Love.....

Hard at work....(they surprised him with the hat....and a ton of balloons that didn't make it into this picture!)

And after a gecko fundraiser event for Daniel...and getting him packed to leave, we opened presents on "Birthday Eve" so that Daniel would be with us for all the fun...

And then came the actual birthday day which was filled with things like taking our oldest off to the airport....(he was mortified that we'd even consider going through security with him to take him to the gate!) Bittersweet to see him go...!!

And another local gecko event somewhere in that day too..... we finally rounded it out by going out with the kids to wander around some stores (which inevitably led to the girls buying some does that happen every time??)

And with a few ooohs and aaaahs over the beautiful moon, the day was over....

Another year older and wiser too.....Happy Birthday Andrew:) Love you xx

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