Monday 17 June 2013

Father's Day Weekend...

Father's Day "weekend" started on Friday with a trip to the lake..... (ok so probably a little more fun for the kids than the "driver/father" but still how else would a good dad spend his time, other than helping his kids have a fun day...??)

(the boys planning how to survive the "revolution" tube!!) 

 Amelia opting for the calmer ride...

Miss Abbie (....Daredevil is her middle name...) is not one for going calm...and is on with all the boys!

Backflips, Frontflips....and jumps from cliffs (ok I'll jump from said cliff before we freaked out and stopped all other jumping from cliffs...)

And some cute little ducks to round out the day....not that ducks have anything to do with father's day, but they are cute:)

And then the Father's Day weekend got a little derailed in between the garage getting cleaned out and other random chores....(but my garage is lovely and clean now!!)

Sunday got a little better...who wouldn't want an awesome jello cake??....

and a fun Father's Day at church...including a few laughs from the Primary Father's Day Program I put together....check out some of the kids comments!!

I loved one of the story's told at was an experience from Daniel's High Adventure camp. They were whitewater rafting one day and the guide had repeatedly told them that the only rule was to STAY IN THE BOAT....well they turned the corner on one rapid and there was a huge log in their path, so it took a ton of maneuvering to try and make it past without flipping. As they finally made it, they realized that their guide wasn't in the boat any more. He was hanging off the side. They managed to pull him back in and he quickly guided them to the shore and jumped out. Everyone was a little surprised and then they realized he was running back upstream to warn the guys who were on their way down about the log.

Dad's aren't perfect. They make mistakes just like the rest of us and sometimes they fall out of the boat. But Dad's are always thinking about their kids, the ones who are coming downstream, and want to protect them from problems and guide them through difficult waters. That is a Dad's job.....

Grateful for the things I have learned from my dad...and really grateful for the awesome dad that Andrew is to our kids. I know they don't appreciate everything he does just yet, but one day they will....(right??)

Thanks Andrew. Hope you had a Happy Father's Day weekend. I love you x


Terra said...

Amazing pics Victoria!!! Thx for passing them on today too:) I have lens envy seriously!!!

Victoria said...

You're welcome! It was a fun day:)