Tuesday 17 April 2012

Non stop busy...

Life has just been a roller coaster of non stop busy these last few months. It seems that there is always somewhere to be rushing to or from and a constant stream of to do's on my list. The more I get done, the faster the list grows.

At times I just don't think I can keep up with it all - house up keep, paying bills, church stuff, eagle project, boys lacrosse, girls gymnastics, helping out at school, going to school myself, homework assignments, tests, and on top of all that maintaining relationships with family and friends who have some serious needs......and I have always been a keep it simple, don't overcommit kinda person, but this whole going back to school thing has really tipped the balance a little....

And yet I'm loving it, loving my brain working and thinking and learning and growing.....it's just adding it into life and not really having anything else I can cut out that is perplexing!!

So keeping up a blog journal has taken a little back burner...amongst other things (certain household chores are definitely a little behind!)....but I'll catch up...eventually:)

Artistic talent....

If any of you have played Andrew or me on Draw Something then you know the extent of our artistic talent....zero to almost none....

Jordan must have a gene mutation somewhere as he is really talented and LOVES creating stuff...pictures, things..if he can imagine it he will have a go at making it come to life....

Sidewalk chalk from earlier this week.....

yeah, mine never look like that either....:)

Thursday 5 April 2012


So we now officially have two teenagers....Jordan turned the big 13 on Monday.....

He got a few things....including money....and of course we all managed to eat some ice cream cake....

Happy Birthday Jordan.  We love you:)