Monday 28 May 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

The school year finally got around to it's crazy end....

I know it's not just me but those last few weeks of school get a little manic with ceremonies, parties, yearbook signings, final concerts, activities, studying and it was with a sigh of relief that the last day rolled around....until I realised that my baby is going to be a first grader next year and my bigger baby will be a fully fledged high schooler (who reminds me daily that he can get his permit in a few months!!) Yikes when did that all happen???

Some highlights:

Monday 21 May 2012


Shellie and I have been friends for a very long time.....when we first moved to Georgia from England she was one of the first people I met and she just welcomed me into her life and heart. We have spent many hours "chatting it up" on her couch or mine as we fold laundry or watch kids.....had many lunched at Zaxbys and La Parilla, and solved all the problems facing mankind together....(well not quite but we have had a go!)

It was sad sad sad to leave GA but more sad to leave Shellie. It's hard to replicate that kind of friendship and history with someone.....

But,....we'd been for a walk with the kids (and the dog) and just walked in the door when the doorbell rings.....and from somewhere I just hear SHellie's voice (kinda unmistakeable!!)

She just flew into town for a few days to surprise me:))

We hung out by the pool....she cut about a million heads of hair (me and the kids included!), we ate out...not quite La Parilla but it was mexican and it tasted good,....

There's nothing like having a great friend:)