Thursday 22 October 2009


Ran out two days before Ty left on his 2 year mission to RUSSIA to capture some family photos for the Nielson family who I love dearly. Shellie is one of my favorite people and we have been good friends for a long time.....this is her second son to leave on his mission and Ty is amazing and will be an AWESOME missionary!!

Sunday 11 October 2009

Precious Hands Song...

I hope this works because I think this song is one of the most beautiful songs I have heard - written and sung by Dave Haupert (he wrote it for his cutest little girl Grace, but sang it for Abbie's baptism):)

And can I just say that Michelle and Dave are two of my most favorite people in the world:)

Saturday 10 October 2009

Abbie's Baptism...

I just had to get some pics on here of Abbie's Baptism - even though I'll probably have to come back to it and add in all the details. Grandma and Grandad flew in for the weekend from the Bahamas so we got to spend a few days with them too. It was a BEAUTIFUL day made all the more special by some of my most favorite people - Michelle and Dave Haupert. Dave actually sang and played a song that he had written (which I'll try and add if I can figure out how to do that!) I said, it was a beautiful day for a BEAUTIFUL girl:)


The Baptism of
Abbie Victoria O'Hare

Saturday, October 10th 2009

Presiding.....Bishop Scott Mower
Conducting.....Bishop Scott Mower
Pianist.....Michelle Haupert
Chorister......Shellie Nielson

Opening Song: I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus
Invocation: Jordan O'Hare
Talk about Baptism: Daniel O'Hare 

Baptism Ordinance: Andrew O'Hare (Dad)
Witnesses: Michael Beere (Grandad) & Gordon Hunter

Video Presentation: What Heaven Sees In You
Talk about the Holy Ghost: Victoria O'Hare (Mom)
Song: Tiny Hands Performed by Dave Haupert
Confirmation: Andrew O'Hare (Dad)

Welcome to Primary: Shellie Kendrick
Welcome to the Ward: Bishop Scott Mower
Closing Song: I am a Child of God
Benediction: Amelia O'Hare

Daniel's talk.....:

Hey Abbie you have finally turned eight and now can get baptized like Jordan and me. You will never forget this special day.

My talk is about baptism….I was trying to think of an easy way to help you understand why it’s important to be baptized. (Get Lucy’s towel) Do you know what this is? (Let her answer) Is it nice and clean? Do you want to use this towel? Why not? (Let her answer) How about this towel (get out the clean towel)? Will you use this new nice and clean towel? Why?

These towels are kind of like our spirits – sometimes we are dirty like Lucy’s towel, because of mistakes we make, but Heavenly Father wants us to be clean and pure like this lovely white towel and being baptized is one of the ways we can become clean and pure.

Now there are a few things you can do to stay clean and pure after you have been baptized – they are like steps that we make every day to get back to Heavenly Father. Here are some of the most important steps -

Pray (pull out my phone) . Prayer is like your personal phone to Heavenly Father, but it’s even better than a cell phone, because unlike Mom who doesn’t always answer her cell phone – Heavenly Father will always answer your ‘calls’. You also don’t have to pay any monthly charges and your minutes never run out.

Read Scriptures (pull out her new scriptures) Here are your new scriptures and I want you to read them. These tell you messages from God.

Repent this will help you to be clean again when you make a mistake. Sometimes repenting can be as easy as saying, Sorry Daniel that I was bugging you, or Daniel, I’ll clean up that mess I just made in your bedroom! Sometimes, we need to pray to Heavenly Father and tell Him we are sorry too.

Sacrament – I know that you watch me as I get to pass the sacrament as sometimes I see you wave at me - the sacrament is like having a mini baptism every week. When you take the sacrament and think about Jesus Christ and all that He did for us, you can be forgiven of your mistakes every single time.

And here is the video I put together that we showed at her baptism - I love my Abbie:)