Thursday 18 August 2011

Lots of firsts.....

First day of school is over....first week of school has now passed....first kid in High School has now happened.....and in amongst all the a last....last kid to start Elementary school:( And yet....first time I have volunteered on the PTSO (PTA...I get confused with all the acronyms and actually don't know what the heck the S is for in PTSO), I said I'd be the secretary so keeping it low key:)....first time I have had no kids at home since being married and not it's change all around at our house:)

High School starts first and we drove our baby to the big ol' High school that actually kinda scared me on Open House....shhh don't tell Daniel I said that.....
.....we wanted the hugs and kisses and little photo shoot but he couldn't jump out the car fast enough.....:))

The on to our Junior High kiddo....who put up with the first 2 photos....

and then decided that he'd had enough....

And finally, finally it was time for the girls.....I'm not sure that Abbie was as over enthusiastic as Amelia about starting school, but she made an effort to look happy enough:)

As always the girls were much more obliging with the photo shoot....

Abbie has her I'm a grown up kid swagger going on....

And Amelia just could not contain her excitement about starting school....for real....

We got to school....I'd have to say we were there at least 25 minutes me that will never happen again....:) but we got to chat with the teachers...

and even play on the playground....see that face....pure happiness:))

and then the bell rang and they lined up and were off to new adventures....

....and I was left without a little hand to hold and a quiet house.......hmmmmm.....not quite as easy as I thought....

Thursday 11 August 2011

You Invite Me In..

I had to drive about 400 miles in one day last week (which for me is sooooo long and really hard to do....I can fall asleep within 20 minutes of being in the car normally...yes driving around town too not just on a long journey!!), anyway, so this big long drive, gave me lots of opportunity to listen to the radio/music etc.....well my hubbie just got a new car which has a pretty cool ipod integrated system so I set up my Pandora through the car speakers and off we went....
I do have to say I listened to some slightly more questionable songs, but one song caught my heart and I had to write down the artist so I could find it again....
Meredith Andrews.....

Tuesday 9 August 2011


One of my big chunky photo frames fell off the wall right onto my hands....which saved the frame, but scraped and bruised both of my hands in the process...yeah ouch...for a day or two one hand was swollen and bruised and I thought I must have broken it... but as the swelling went down I'm pretty sure I'm ok:) well my hands are ok. I am still a little crazy:))