Saturday 29 November 2008

Thanksgiving - Watercolor style......

This year, we decided to spend Thanksgiving at Watercolor as Ben has come to stay with us for two months and having heard all the legendary tales from Josh and Pauline and was feeling quite the neglected nephew.....The weather was beautiful - we spent a lovely couple of days on the beach......
where the kids enjoyed digging massive holes (they were warned to fill them back in though!)
and Amelia discovered a newfound joy in the sand and sea....

and Ben enjoyed showing off his muscles...sorry, I mean, playing with his cousins....

......although I was not so thrilled at being dragged from my seat where I was enjoying a lovely moment in the sun reading a good book.....forcibly pulled along the sand and thrown unceremoniously into the sea by Andrew and Ben:-)
We also took the boat out for a day which was great fun....Andrew has been dying to get out to sea in the boat since he found out we could take one out in Destin and so regardless of how big the waves were and how many of us felt like we were about to throw up....we made it out to sea - check out the size of these waves -
It felt like we could have ended up like the photo below at any given moment (though this was NOT actually our boat - just one sitting in the harbor!!)

We stopped at Crab Island and beached the boat - most of us needed to feel the ground beneath our feet after going through those waves and back - twice:-) - It was lovely and picturesque and we took some fun photos!!
Amelia was running in and out of the water (holding her skirt up) and yep, eventually fell in and got soaked......which if you know Amelia, then requires her to strip all offending clothes off:-) Luckily, it was a lovely day so she didn't mind not being fully dressed!
Ben - most impressed to be drinking Powerade which is the competitor of his old company....

Watercolor itself is beautiful.....

It has great sunsets - it must be that whole beach thing....amazing colors.....
We spent one night at PF Changs...Amelia loved her fortune cookies....
Ben and Eddie obviously enjoying themselves:-)
I think Andrew had a vendetta against me on this trip as he got all the kids to tackle me one evening....
and yes they managed to get me to the floor........I surrendered:-)And then he grabbed me and ran down the street with me - piggy back rides as an adult are crazy:-)The last night we were there they had the lighting of the Christmas tree complete with fake snow, christmas carolers, roasting marshmallows and hot chocolate and a visit from Santa, (who my kids are afraid of - Amelia has told me every night since then that she doesn't want Santa to come to her house, she just wants to get presents from me:-)

Eddie was giving the kids piggy backs so they could reach the fake snow.....

Ben is enjoying being a kid at our house too (no work, no bills, free piggy back rides!!)Not sure who this big kid was though......:-)
All in all, a very fun Thanksgiving....might have to make it a tradition:-)

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