Tuesday 11 November 2008

The reason I don't like going to the gym....

If any of you have ever mentioned my name and the gym in the same sentence in front of Andrew you may have heard some groans or muffled laughter - not sure why exactly, but could be something to do with the fact that I have joined multiple gyms in multiple countries over multiple years without multiple success - and in my defense, I have been pregnant/had young babies blah blah, but to be brutally honest, I'm basically unmotivated. I am a fat person hiding in a skinny person's body:-) I eat what I want when I want, as much as I want and "offically" exercise basically never (as opposed to the running around after four kids type exercise!).....and so far I have gotten away with such sinful living, except I get to feeling lethargic and tired too much and so I make the effort again and round and round I go in this dumb cycle....So anyway, I am back on the whole gym thing - going every morning with my friend Shellie. I had been using their free trial and finally actually joined up on Monday morning after having a class there. So Tuesday morning 8.15am I am set for my first class as an "official" member. I even have Amelia in the car and am going to test out the kid care facility on her for the first time.....I start the car up and start reversing and the phone rings so I reach over to pick it up and BAM.....our cleaners had parked their car right behind me and I TOTALLY spaced and reversed right into it....pictures below to prove my stupidity:-)

(my car damage - not great but could be worse...I guess the benefit of driving a big SUV!!)
(my poor cleaner's car - totally smashed in his light and crumpled his bonnet nicely too.....)
oh yeah for all you uncivilized people out there, a bonnet is the correct verbiage for the hood of the car - check with the Queen if you don't believe me! So as much money as I have spent/wasted on gym memberships over the years, I think I have broken through a new world record barrier with this one:-)

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