Sunday 2 November 2008

Amicolola Falls

There is no season as beautiful as the Fall in Georgia....the colors are absolutely AMAZING. We drove up to Amicolola Falls on Saturday - in the Appalachian Mountains. It is a favorite place for us to go as a family. There is a walk up and down the falls (with about 1000 steps and lots of walking) My brother James and sister Amy have both been and run up and down and up and down like it is a piece of cake, but everyone else I know gets jelly legs after walking up and down that many steps (and I promise I am not just saying that to make myself not sound so lame!) Anyway, here are some great pics...

The trees really look like that cliche of a blanket....Daniel says it looks like a bowl of multi colored pasta:-) It truly looks like you could walk on it or jump into it and it would be the softest thing....
The kids don't look amazingly happy here - but they were being swarmed by ladybugs at the time - trust me this is one of the better pictures:-)
And here is the waterfall - a little drier than normal as we have been in a pretty bad drought for a while now but still very beautiful....and worth the jelly legs every time:-)

1 comment:

Dan [your favorite son] said...

The colors are amazing and isn't my input just the best??? The dive is terrible. (i wonder why you didn't talk about it much) :)