Tuesday 28 May 2013

Totally worth it....

Abbie has been babysitting and dog-sitting (and probably picking up every quarter she could find too), since Christmas and has saved every single penny with the goal of getting her very own iPad mini....

And finally on Friday she had made it!!

With her ziploc bag full of quarters and dollar bills and lots of jumping up and down, we headed over to the Apple Store (...and no we didn't even stop to brush her hair!!)

Big decision....black iPad or white iPad???

Now time to hand over the money.....did you ever see someone so happy to hand over all that hard earned cash???

TOTALLY worth it:)

On another note....I discovered these at Basha's last week....and I am a sucker for anything with coconut added..... and to tie the random photo into my post - yes, totally worth it:) 

......ok, maybe, just maybe i did have some (slight) remorse after the entire pack was gone in three days (I may, or may not, have eaten virtually every last one all by myself!!)


Terra said...

Love the new look of your blog!!!

Victoria said...

Thanks Terra! I was talking to Lisa (she wants to start a blog) and it started giving me ideas...) plus of course, all the boys left on camp this morning so I have all this newfound time since I don't have to cook or clean for a few days...(ok so maybe I'll clean..just a little!!)