Monday 4 June 2012

Elbow troubles.....

Yeah yeah I live in the desert where it never rains....except for when it does...

Well one particular day I was helping out a group of girls and doing our shave ice as a treat for them, when the rain literally came crashing down. It was intense....

Anyway, not the point of the story,....

I, being a wimp,  ran to my car (with the intention of driving home, pulling into my garage and escaping the thunder, lightening and torrential downpour....)...

Alas, I slipped and fell resulting in a muddy covered me and a little scrape on my elbow...
not so bad right??

Except it was a nightmare....!!!!

First it got an infection so I had to go to the emergency doc and get some antibiotics....

And then, I broke out in an allergic reaction to the said antibiotics. Can I say I was MISERABLE??? (you can ask Andrew and the kids)

yes it was about as uncomfortable as it looks...just in case you were wondering:(

Thankfully all back to normal now...(well you know...semi-normal!)

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