Saturday 3 December 2011

The rest of the year (Uncle JJ & Kate)

So my biggest brother turned the big 4-0 in September and his ever adoring girlfriend Kate managed to pull off a huge surprise and bring him all the way from Melbourne to the US as a birthday trip of a lifetime.....and yeah ok they went wine tasting in Napa Valley....yahdee yah...the highlight of their trip I am quite sure was coming to stay with us for about 5 days!!! It was a jam packed fun filled five days...maybe it was 6 who was crazy and lots of fun and Kate was lovely and Uncle JJ spoiled everyone....and we had lots of fun memories....laughing out loud, shopping for cowboy boots, eating out, freezing at mormon lake and the Grand Canyon (unseasonable SNOW if you can believe!!), cooking, lemon meringue pie, oh and did I mention shopping??
We miss you JJ and more reason to get our act together and plan that trip over to Australia xx
 (need to get photos from JJ....)

Ah yes the couple of photos I have (my battery was dead and I loaned James my memory card) beautiful day we set off with the boat to go to the lake....about 10 minutes from the lake Andrew pulled over and we got out and watched this pack of wild horses pass by us and cross the river...very "Spirit" esque....
10 minutes later the sky was black, it was raining and the winds were picking up as we sat on the lake dock watching boats struggle against the wind to get back onto their trailers....needless to say we turned around and went back home.....another crazy Arizona weather day specially for Uncle least the horses were cool:)

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