Monday 21 June 2010


We have been worried about our only non-swimmer since buying our house with a non-fenced pool so she has been in swim lessons since mid April. It has been amazing to watch her progress in those two months. At first, she wouldn't even get in the water without a life jacket or someone holding onto her with both arms....she has been most nervous about her face getting wet at all - even a splash! One day a couple of weeks ago she 'decided' that she could swim and keep her head out of the water and lo and behold she did...and does it very well:) She has been getting better with small amounts of water splashing on her face but has adamantly refused in all lessons and no matter what bribery offered, to put her face in that water. But this weekend out of the blue she held her nose and went under and then kept doing it over and over and has once again 'decided' that she can swim underwater now (as long as one hand is plugging her nose!) so she does this graceful one armed swim underwater now and I couldn't be prouder of her. I know she has worked for this and had to overcome a big fear of the water and I know that it's just a matter of time before she lets go of that nose and swims with both arms, but I am proud of her pushing herself to do something hard and something that she was afraid of....once again I could learn a thing or two from my kids.....

Oh yeah and I just love to see how pleased she is with herself:)

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