Tuesday 22 June 2010

Birthdays etc...

In the three months we have been here we have celebrated 7 birthdays, 2 ordinations and 2 wedding anniversaries between the two O'Hare families!!
Today it is Andrew's birthday.....38 which seemed so old when I was a kid but now seems like a spring chicken (which is actually a worrying sign that I myself am becoming an old person too!). The kids could not believe that he actually had to go to work on his birthday.....I think they (and we) are spoiled after having many years of Andrew working for himself!

As it is the summer holidays for us right now and my boys are in the 'routine' of not rousing themselves before say midday or so (yes Jordan was rudely awakened by me at 12ish today!) they came up with the grand idea of doing a birthday present giving last night.....they explained that Dad wouldn't have to wait all day for his presents that way......I'm not sure why they didn't think of - say - just waking up early??!
So we did presents last night and then when Andrew got home from work we did a little birthday party dinner and the by now infamous ice cream birthday cake with Aidan & Laura and co.....Laura reminded me of a great old english tradition of the "bumps" which I had totally forgotten about! We actually never got around to giving Andrew the bumps but all the kids had fun giving each other the bumps...I think we have started a new tradition (just not sure how I'll feel about that by the time January rolls around!)
Anyway, I hope Andrew had a great birthday! We love him:)

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