Wednesday 13 February 2013

Pancake Day!!!

There are actually not many days when I can say I'm glad I have Facebook...I'm not totally loving the way it keeps friendships so superficial...but that's a whole other blog post....

Yesterday, however, I was glad that Facebook reminded me of the grand old tradition of Pancake Day (aka Shrove Tuesday) legend serves (well my 'legend-ous' memory),....Pancake Day is the Tuesday before Lent begins and in preparation for this period of more simple living/meals etc families would use up their dairy products....hence the pancake tradition. In England it is a pretty big deal and as a kid, the day at school would revolve around a pancake theme...(kinda like the Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham type of day here in the US)...

And another thing...English pancakes are a little different to US pancakes....a little more like crepes....traditionally you'd top them with lemon juice and sugar and then roll them up, but I've seen lots of variations so I think by now pretty much anything goes...

Here's a basic recipe:
4oz plain flour
pinch salt
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/3 cup water

mix til nice and smooth (it's pretty thin consistency) and cook in a frying have to try and toss it to cook the other side (it's the funnest part:)

Yay for Pancake Day!!