Thursday 1 November 2012


This year Amelia announced that she wanted to be Taylor Swift. She definitely has her own STRONG opinions..... We went with it and she looked cute as always....

Abbie decided that she would have to stick to the theme of favorite singer and wanted to be Adele... OK much harder....!!! I was going to do a wash out dye in her hair (the best idea I could come up with)....but sadly, Abbie was sick (as in "chunder everywhere" - family joke:) watch the youtube clip if you like!) and so just sat with me all night....

at least it was a fun night around the fire pit handing out candy:)

Amelia went out trick or treating with her friend Ava and the dad's and somehow managed to 'lose' her costume along the way...(she was too hot and the other boots were too big etc etc...!) She did wear her costume the whole night at the neighborhood party on Saturday so I guess she figured that counted??

I didn't even see Daniel all night and Jordan showed up briefly to grab some candy but I missed taking a pic....he had covered himself with lots of red paint....nice:)

Love my girls xx (and boys!)