Sunday 3 January 2010


Really....a whole year has gone by??? I have to admit that seems pretty lame even to me.....but it seems the way of my life since having had kids and becoming a bona fide adult. Life just keeps on going and I have to run or jog to keep up:) So here's a version of this past year in mega fast forward....
January.....Ben left after staying with us for 3 months.....I turned 32 (Andrew thinks that makes me middle aged now....hmmm???)
February....Daniel turned 12 - Andrew took the boys to Utah on their first snowboarding trip as the "12th birthday trip" tradition...I am looking forward to the girls turning in New York or traveling in Europe maybe??!

March......Lots of family in town for Daniel's ordination....even Alex made it over with the kids before she moved out to Australia....had a great family vacation with the O'Hare side in Watercolor, Florida (aka paradise)

April.....Jordan turned 10.....Spring on the market AGAIN, lots of viewings, cleaning, blah blah blah....'s out:) More viewings, cleaning house YUCK
June......drove to Arizona.....then to N. California....back to Arizona....Houseboat, lake, Alcatraz, San Fransisco, beaches, LOTS of driving, great memories.....WOOOAAAHHH.......chanting...

July.....more driving.....back home to GA.....still more cleaning (can you tell this is not my favorite thing to do yet??), viewings...blah blah blah
August.....back to school. Take the house off the market. Decide to stay:)
September.......Amelia turns 4 (and no that doesn't mean its time for another one) Abbie turns 8....gets baptized....grandma and grandad come...

October......I don't even know what happened in October. I don't think I spent a lot of time cleaning....probably getting stuff back out of storage, unpacking it and trying to find a spot for it to belong....
November....Everyone gets sick one after the other and sometimes twice - bad cold/flu, Daniel, Jordan and Abbie piano/guitar recital,

Thanksgiving with the Wrights....Lara's cooking is divine:) Putting up the tree....
December.......shingles (yup, Pauline here for a week, Cabin in Blue Ridge, Santa Train ride, Hailey Miller <3 you - miss you, Christmas, Boxing Day....New Year's Eve.....
Which brings us to Sunday Jan 3rd we are another year, older, not necessarily wiser, but my house definitely got cleaned a lot in the last year....:)

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