Monday 1 September 2008

John Mayer/One Republic Concert

We took Daniel and Jordan with us to see John Mayer and One Republic in concert on Friday night.....the boys were pretty excited to be going to their 'first' concert and actually Andrew and I were pretty excited too - it's the first concert that we've been to together.

We had decent parking and arrived pretty early but when we got to the gate we were told that our new beloved camera was considered a 'professional' camera and so we couldn't take it in with us. Needless to say we were a little bummed about that (but glad we have iPhones!!)

The concert was great - One Republic was really good "Apologize" being a favorite in our house....and John Mayer is really really amazing on the guitar....though he went a little into 'unknown' territory for us about 3/4 of the way through....still could appreciate his talent even if we couldn't sing along. Great memories!

Hope you enjoy the pics...(not a great zoom on the iPhone, but you get the general idea!)

1 comment:

Me said...

I bet you guys had a blast!! Me and Me and my mom heard the concert when we were leaving babys r us! lol