Monday 10 September 2012

It's a bugs life...

So picture if you will,'s 7.30am in the morning...

the boys have both left for school and Andrew is not quite back from playing tennis....

just me getting the girls ready for school....

oh yeah and let's not forget the bug guy who has come to spray inside the house....(yes at 7.30 in the morning....guess he won't get the picture perfect tour of my house)

So... I am standing in the kitchen getting the girls to brush their hair (daily teeth pulling event)...

and just out of the corner of my eye behind Amelia I spot a gigantonormous scorpion....(and yes that is a word...)

Now, being the amazing mom that I am....trying not to pass my fears on to my children...I say oh girls lets move out of the way (Abbie remembers it more like "mom screamed and grabbed Amelia and pulled her across the kitchen"...but you know how kids exaggerate)....

I then had to swallow once or twice so I could try and act all calm and called to the bug guy to ask him ever so nicely if he could come kill the scorpion (we were all in bare feet...hadn't yet gotten to the part of the morning where we are searching for shoes)....

He walks in...really slowly...and I again so calmly ask him to please kill the scorpion which is moving steadily towards us....

so what does he do...the big black boot wearing bug guy stands back...and SPRAYS the from a distance....and yes the scorpion ran away to hide under my fridge...erm hello? what are those black boots for exactly??

So now I have forever to wonder if scorpion is a) dead from spray b) very much alive and planning it's revenge...

Needless to say I am keeping my shoes on...

...And I have strategically placed sticky pads along the bottom of the fridge....looks classy huh?