Tuesday 14 August 2012

Trek Part II...

On Sunday night I went to a Trek fireside with Daniel....it was nice to hear some personal experiences and watch a dvd that had been put together of some videos and photos from the Trek...

....but what stood out to me in the night was this song that was written for this Stake Trek and performed by about 80 of these youth who went on the Trek. It was a beautiful song. But it was more than that. I couldn't stop a few tears from falling as I felt powerfully, how blessed my kids...(and all the kids who live here)...are to grow up in such a place surrounded by amazing leaders who love them and work tirelessly to provide such amazing experiences for them. I wish I had had those opportunities growing up. I wish that my brothers and sisters had had those opportunities. I wish that all my nephews and nieces got to have these opportunities. I feel profoundly grateful that I get to raise my kids here.

One of the girls that spoke talked about how she tried to parallel the experiences of the Trek to experiences in her own life. That thought must have mulled around in my head that night as I woke up from a dream with tears streaming down my face (and I assure you this is not normal for me) and then had this distinct impression come into my mind.

(Firstly I have to admit I found it quite hard that I didn't get to be a part of the Trek in any way. That I had to send my son out there and didn't get to be there for any of this whole experience with him. You know how mum's worry and although I sent him his own meals (food allergies) and he is a big, (almost) grown up boy now, I still wanted to be on hand "just in case"....)

....but in those early hours, I recognized how the whole Trek experience is a parallel to our life experience. Our Heavenly parents sent us out on this  "Trek" of life. They knew it would be difficult,.. painful at times. They knew that we would struggle and find it hard to go on....that so much had been asked of us that would push us to our physical and emotional limits. And yet they couldn't come with us. They knew they'd always be at a distance, unable to walk with us or physically comfort us. And so they sent us with a family. A Ma and Pa and brothers and sisters, to walk with us and support us, who would help us push and pull whatever load is ours in life. And He also gave us a bigger Ward/ Stake/Church family. Some who would walk the trail ahead of us to lead the way and some who would surround us and add their strength when we need it most. And more importantly, He sent us His Son who worked out the route we had to take and walked that path before we ever did, so that we would know how to make it back without getting lost and so that he would understand just how difficult and painful and exhausting the Trek is, that He could comfort us and encourage us like no one else can. We weren't sent here to walk the Trek alone. And from time to time, our Father send us a "letter", a message straight from Him to us, to tell us how much He loves us and how proud He is of us and we have these quiet peaceful moments of reflection and understanding and love,... before we have to get right back to work.

Life IS the Trek just on a longer time frame....  I am not only grateful for the family that I was sent to but I am also grateful for the Church family I am surrounded by. I am grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who knows me and understands me and an Older Brother who can comfort and sustain me when I struggle in my personal trek.