Tuesday 10 August 2010

Back to School....

School starts tomorrow - Daniel is going into 8th grade, Jordan into 6th, Abbie into 3rd and Amelia is in Pre-K......so it's been the usual rush of school supplies, backpacks, shoes, clothes, schedules, open houses and haircuts..... I hope tomorrow goes smoothly:)

Abbie wanted to go short and for the first time I let her do it (even though I could have puked right there and then when the lady chopped off the first chunk of her hair!)....she looks sooooooo cute but I was really nervous that she would hate it and cry when she realised her hair was actually gone....but so far she really loves it too so we are happy:)

Amelia wanted to get her hair cut the same as Abbie's but I'm not so willing and ready to let her start to grow up and look old and mature.....so we went with a couple of inches off...

And the boys got their hair cut (even though it still looks like it is in their eyes...) I wonder if they will ever change their minds about having longer hair and go with a short hair style??? I wonder if they will look back on their hair when they are adults and laugh about it...or if they'll always think it looks cool!

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